WSeS-5 Tokai University -JP 21th May 2016

The fifth workshop of SeS Redox and Catalysis (WSeS-5) will be held in Shonan Campus of Tokai University, which is located in the suburb of Hiratsuka city in Japan. This workshop is organized as a pre-conference of the 13th International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST-13) in Gifu. We cordially welcome world-wide participants, including graduate students, to discuss on the cutting edge achievements in the related research areas. The program will contain invited lectures by leading researchers and poster presentations by general participants.

Contact: Professor Michio Iwaoka

Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tokai University


For more information and for the application please vidit the web site


International Board


Prof. C. Santi (Chair)

(Univ. of Perugia ITA)



Prof. M.J.Davies 

(Univ. Copenhagen DK)


Prof. J. Drabowicz 

(Univ. of Czestokowa PL)


Prof. M. Iwaoka 

(Univ. of Tokay JP)


Prof. B. Mugesh

(Univ. Bangalore IND)


Prof. R. Radi

(Univ. Montevideo U)


Prof. J.B. Rocha 

(UFSM Santa Maria BR)


Prof. C. Schiesser 

(Selenium Therapeutics AUS)


Prof. E.J. Lenardao

(UFPel Pelotas BR)


Prof. V. Lippolis

(Univ. Cagliari ITA)


Prof. X. Zhao

(Univ. Sun Yat-Sen CHINA)





Dr. Luca Sancineto

Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies in Łódź