24 hours in Perugia (video)

The lectures will be organized in the room G of the Department of Chemistry UNIVERSITY of PERUGIA, Via Pascoli. just in front of  one of the most important Roman-era monuments in the city, "The Mosaic of Saint Elisabeth," as it is called, is named after the medieval church that stood above it at the time of its discovery

International Board


Prof. C. Santi (Chair)

(Univ. of Perugia ITA)



Prof. M.J.Davies 

(Univ. Copenhagen DK)


Prof. J. Drabowicz 

(Univ. of Czestokowa PL)


Prof. M. Iwaoka 

(Univ. of Tokay JP)


Prof. B. Mugesh

(Univ. Bangalore IND)


Prof. R. Radi

(Univ. Montevideo U)


Prof. J.B. Rocha 

(UFSM Santa Maria BR)


Prof. C. Schiesser 

(Selenium Therapeutics AUS)


Prof. E.J. Lenardao

(UFPel Pelotas BR)


Prof. V. Lippolis

(Univ. Cagliari ITA)


Prof. X. Zhao

(Univ. Sun Yat-Sen CHINA)





Dr. Luca Sancineto

Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies in Łódź